
fbview is an image viewer for Linux consoles, using the oFBis library. It uses libjpeg and libmagick to read images, and can handle a lot of different formats. The reason for using libjpeg separately is because it is much faster on decoding jpegs than libmagick is. Note, fbview only works on 8-bit displays.

fbview is released under the terms of GNU General Public License (GPL).

You can always find a daily snapshot of fbview taken from our CVS on our ftpsite. You can also get this, and other packages, directly from our CVS server.
If you do not trust CVS trees, we sometimes make distributions of fbview, which are tested on our machines. You can find it in ftp://ftp.nocrew.org/pub/nocrew/linux/.

Feel free to come with suggestions about how to make this program better in any way, faster, more flexible, etc.

Tomas Berndtsson - tomas@nocrew.org

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